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newBookmarkLockedFalling down. OPEN.
wyr. 3 571 by - LOST .
Nov 5, 2009 19:52:05 GMT -7
newBookmarkLockedFalling SPEAKINGinVERSE > it's open
¿`Laughing! 0 239 by ¿`Laughing!
May 11, 2009 16:57:35 GMT -7


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In the middle of the forest of ThunderClan, the floor suddenly falls away to a pit. The ravine's walls are surrounded by rocks, and one side has a smooth slope. It is a fairly large area, big enoguh and filed with trees enough to keep a cat from seeing the other side. The most prominent tree here is the beech tree, so you can guess what animals can be found here. Mice! They hide in holes, but if you are patient, one will scurry out for a tempting nut. The rocks collect water in the morning, and on especially misty dawns the water drips down to form small puddles.
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