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RULES & INFORMATION CENTER ¬ Here is all of the important info, like rules, that you need to read when you join the site, and before you make a character. It is mandatory that you read all of the rules, and that you check up every so often to see what has changed. |
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Instead of "Said". <3 by `J i N X ! May 17, 2009 10:30:53 GMT -7 |
NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ¬ This is all of the updates of the site, including ooc and ic updates. Please check often, some new things may pop up and old things may be updated. Anything really important will be tagged, and a mass PM will be sent out. Sub-boards: OOC UPDATES ¬, IC UPDATES ¬ |
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ARRIVALS & DEPARTURES ¬ Here is where you come to tell us that you will be gone for a while, or if you are leaving. You can also come here for a nice welcoming from everyone, because we love new members. |
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I'll always be loyal... by Zathar Jul 15, 2010 23:59:36 GMT -7 |
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CHARACTER CREATION ¬ After all of the rules and informational threads have been read, you can come here to create your character. Please realize that to gain access here, you must know the password, found in the rules. Also realize that the bio form pops up when you start a new thread. If your bio is looked at by an admin and accepted, you can start rolepalying. If not, fix anything the staff asked you to fix. Sub-board: FIXER-UPPERS ¬ |
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CHARACTER PROFILES ¬ After characters have been looked at and accepted, they will go here, organized by their association. The Cat Associations thread can be found here, as well as biographies of any dead characters. You should come here every so often to see what cats are in your Clan, and read up on their bios. Sub-boards: WINDCLAN ¬, THUNDERCLAN ¬, SHADOWCLAN ¬, OTHERS ¬, HOLD ¬ |
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EXTRAS ¬ The little character extras! Here is where you can request a litter, adopt out kits from litters, post a classified searching for a mate or friend, make a character log, and adopt out unwanted characters. Please be sure to use any form provided for you. Sub-boards: ADOPTIONS ¬, CLASSIFIEDS ¬, LITTERS ¬, CHARACTER LOGS ¬ |
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SHADOWCLAN'S MARSH ¬ Although ShadowClan is used to the wet and muddy turf of the marsh, the mucky ponds and small stream are a new thing. Reeds are some of the only cover, but not many would want to come to this land, anyways. Fish live in the murky ponds, although they are not very big and not as tasty as others might be. Water shrews are really the only other option to the fish. The stench of foxes still lingers here from before the disaster, but you rarely ever see them here anymore. Sub-boards: CAMP ¬, STREAM ¬, DRY PLAINS ¬ |
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I could use a break. [open!] by Crystal Feb 26, 2010 21:15:26 GMT -7 |
THUNDERCLAN'S FOREST ¬ Southwest of the murky lands of ShadowClan is a small forest, a reminder of what the Clans used to have. Well, not exactly, but close enough. The trees here are thinner than their last home, and the undergrowth is thicker, blackberries creating many mazes the ThunderClan cats have just begun to figure out. The small stream that twists and winds is on the edge of the territory, and small pebbles form a beach right next to it. You can find many different trees and plants, and can find mice, squirrels, and birds to eat. This is the closest territory to Twoleg structures and Thunderpaths, which means kittypets also live nearby. Sub-boards: CAMP ¬, RAVINE ¬, MOSS HOLLOW ¬ |
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down. OPEN. by - LOST . Nov 5, 2009 19:52:05 GMT -7 |
WINDCLAN'S FIELDS ¬ To the north of the ShadowClan dwelling is a small area of fields, dotted with boulders and overrun crops and a broken down barn. The crops and the fields even mix in areas, which creates good cover from enemy eyes. The stream that feeds into ShadowClan territory also flows through here. Field mice and rabbits can be found here, as well as the occasional rat. Here is the place that lies close to WindClanners' hearts. Sub-boards: CAMP ¬, BOULDERS ¬, TRAINING FIELD ¬, HILLOCKS ¬ |
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P u r s u i t [of] T u r m o i l {open;} by Venusflower Nov 27, 2009 18:52:44 GMT -7 |
CLAN BORDERS ¬ This is the long stretch of borders that signify where you can rightfully hunt and where you can't; where you can rightfully be and where you can't. This includes the ThunderClan - ShadowClan border, the WindClan - ShadowClan border, and the short strip of ThunderClan - WindClan border. Sub-board: SUNKEN-EARTH ¬ |
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among DARKNESS ( Softheart ) by AUGUST ?! Jul 26, 2009 8:22:54 GMT -7 |
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STONE CAVES ¬ Slightly north of WindClan's territory is a boulder patch. Near the lee side is a small crack in their foundation, leading to a thin-walled cave lined with pebbles and rocks. It leads down, down, until finally you hit the smell of water. The stream that keeps the Clans alive origins somewhere around here, and it creates a clean pool illuminated by a thin crack in the roof of the cave. Clans come here to communicate with StarClan and Corrupt alike. |
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ABANDONED FARM ¬ If you travel a ways, not too far, but a ways nonetheless, you hit a stretch of territory that is right next to the old Clan homes. The Abandoned Farm. Loners have left, and the foxes have left it alone, so it has become a refuge for elders kicked out of their Clans. This well hidden, run down barn is in the middle of a overgrown field. The ancient red barn is dry inside, with pockets of dried leaves that hide tasty morsels. Next to a run-down ground-ripping monster, a very small stream runs down from a hole in the ground. |
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it's black and white [open] by FREYA Sept 27, 2009 2:54:50 GMT -7 |
OUTLYING LANDS ¬ - 1 Viewing Around the Clans' new territory is the lands of loners and rogues that had lived here long before the Clans came in. These are the areas that would not be suitable for a whole Clan, but are perfectly acceptable for a cat of one or two. Prey varies according to the area, but it is still scarce. Some cats live on the edges of Twoleg turf, feeding on their trash when the need arises. Sub-boards: FOXDEN ¬, TREE-HOLLOW ¬, ROCK-CAVE ¬ |
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The Wait :: Open for Rogues/Loners/Clan Cats by FREYA Aug 22, 2009 11:34:41 GMT -7 |
ROGUE LANDS ¬ Bands of rogues dwell in secret, being the darkness that kits are afraid of. And even these darkness-dwellers must live someplace. Here are those lands. They are not too terribly close to the lands of the Clan cats, but they are close enough to make mischief of one kind or another. |
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GENERAL TALK ¬ This is the place for all of the randomness and such to come and release itself without harming anyone. Be as random as you like, but keep it within the rules please. :3 Other OOC boards can be found here. Sub-boards: GRAPHICS ¬, RANTS & RAVES ¬ |
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QUESTIONS & SUGGESTIONS ¬ When you have a question concerning anything going on in this site, or even in 'real' life, please ask here. Also if you have a suggestion for the site, you can post here. Anyone can come here to answer a question, if you know the answer. Help board found here. Sub-board: HELP ME! ¬ |
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GUEST CENTER ¬ Here is the guest center, where guests ( and members ) can come to advertise, affiliate. Guests can even post comments, questions, and suggestions for the site, but bashing is not allowed. Obviously guest friendly. Sub-boards: COMMENTS ¬, ADVERTISEMENTS ¬ |
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STAFF RETREAT ¬ The place each site needs - an area reserved so the staff can plan all of the upcoming items / things in the site. Don't even try to get in; |
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ARCHIVES ¬ All of the old threads, biographies, and such items can be found here. Dig through them if you wish, but no one on this site is liable for any injuries that you may obtain. Sub-boards: BIOGRAPHIES ¬, OOC ¬, IC ¬ |
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ROLEPLAYING POINTS ¬ In this site, the roleplaying points ( RPP ) is a form of currency we use. You can trade RPP for many different things. Until recently., the only way you could gain points was by roleplaying. But no longer. See inside for details. Moderator: SHOPKEEPER |
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